Thursday, February 12, 2009

All King Obama's Fairy Tale Characters

While "Humpty Dumpty" (free enterprise) is teetering from his precarious position atop the "wall"(U.S. Constitution), the "Cheshire Cat" (Nancy Pelosi) continues her evil grin at the Republican Party. The inability of legislative conservatives to mount a defense of any worth against the onslaught of "our King's" plan (complete socialism in this lifetime), parallels Nikita Kruschev's endearing speech, "We will bury you from within". In the mean time, his knights (the King's cabinet members), as so many Monty Python-like warriors, flail and flounder amidst their own inadequacies (failure to pay taxes, forget to file proper immigration papers for domestic help). During all of this, the "Mad Hatter" (Al Gore) persists with his animated global warming diatribe in defiance of all logic and science fact. At the end of this tale, are the king's down trodden subjects fleeing the axe weilded by the henchman from the Queen of Hearts--"Off with their heads"(Harry Reid) while attempting to derive any sense of chaos and merely survive. Where do you suppose our "king" was able to uncover enough rocks to find this many fairy tale characters? The "king's" political soap opera continues....

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