Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Obama, the High Apologist

17 November 2009

A year has come and gone since the coronation of "King Obama"! It is difficult to believe the level of damage he has accomplished in such a short period of time! For example, he has seen fit to remove America's self-pride by bowing and scraping his way around Europe and Asia in the guise of "apologies and recriminations" to our so called "friends". What's more, "El Presbo" or "Obama, the High Lama", if you wish, has further eroded our dignity by giving comfort to the "enemy" in the form of "photo ops" and personal meetings with "dignitaries and heads of state", the ilk of Chavez, Ahmadinejad, etc. Is it not sufficient for our "High Lama" to surrender America's reputation, but its dignity, as well? Where will it end? The answer lies, of course, in the elections of 2012 and making "King Obama" a "one term wonder"! The saga continues....