Monday, February 16, 2009

Obama's Corporate Reorganization Assistance Program(C.R.A.P.)

Now that Obama's Governmental Expansion Program is solidly underway, the economic outlook will certainly improve. Speculators in the form of Wall Street investors have been drawn to the "feast" as a moth to flame. Now, let us reflect! The Dow Jones Average has declined more than 2000 points since Obama was "anointed" and the mere fact Monday was a national holiday, President's Day, saved it further decline. Further, Jobs lost thus far number in the thousands and we are that much closer to Obama's socialistic view of America, where "Big Government" knows all; sees all; controls all! The Socialist Liberal crowd must be drooling at the accomplishments to date of its "fearless leader".

In my view, Obama needs a lesson in simple economics. Firstly, a bailout package for the automobile industry is a moot point due to the basic concept its management staff have systematically "raped" the stockholders while feathering their own financial "nests" through manipulation of facts and innuendos and perhaps a prevarication or two. Secondly, the business model originally derived from the ingenuity of pioneers, Henry Ford and enumerable others has been systematically diluted as a result of placation of union demands. Unless the automobile companies replace their current management and business model, all that "bailout" money will do nothing more than continue to stoke the fires of "greed" and send those bastions of industry knocking on the door of Congress for yet another "handout". Of course, we, the taxpayer, will be reaping the "benefits" of such congressional magnanimity for generations to come. Your sons and daughters and their sons and daughters will be pursuing a life of labor with no end in sight to pay for the ignominious deeds perpetrated on the "people". Obama and other socialists have effectively created a forced labor camp to which every American has been sent.

In order to understand motives of this socialist administration, we must review a brief history of economic theory. During the last century, a British Economist, John M. Keynes defined his view of successful economic functionality as that stemming from the "public sector" or government, whereby all actions by the public sector were geared toward the stabilization of the business cycle. This stabilization included monetary policy, fiscal policy and central bank decisions in order to create a centralized command structure as a result of the lack of confidence in a free market scenario. Keynes believed "private sector" or free enterprise participants lacked the necessary tools and judgment to make sound economic decisions and that a central organization was the sole entity to formulate and implement these plans. In current vernacular, "the government will care for you from womb to tomb."

At present, supporters of the Keynesian economic approach have infiltrated key positions of the American government in order to subdue free market economics and subjugate its supporters. This parallels Germany of the early 1930's, in that the free market system could not respond quickly enough during the world economic crisis and the masses were disheartened on the whole. Initially, a small group planted the seeds of discontent and inexorably the flower of capitalism began to whither and die.

The lesson in economics today is the concept that free enterprise systems create jobs through the continued flow of financial instruments with consumer confidence to speculate in that system. As long as "Big Brother" the government continues to expend your money, the further this economy strays toward the precipice of depression. Case in point, The "Great Depression" of 1929 was extended almost a decade through the moribund economic philosophy of FDR, another staunch socialist leaning Democrat. FDR's approach was merely to spend the government's way out of the depression, much like that philosophy utilized by the current administration. The only event to artificially create jobs was the bombing of Pearl Harbor and implementation of the draft. Perhaps it is the wish of this administration that a second "bombing" occur to yank us out of this "depression". The saga continues....

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