Sunday, February 8, 2009

"The Emperor Has No Clothes"

During Obama's presidential campaign and three weeks into his presidency, the "leader of the free world" has merely loaned the people of America his ability to wax eloquently. Thus far, we have borne witness to his inability to select members of his cabinet worthy of the title, Secretary of .... We have listened to his empty promises of "change" and we are being subjected to a continuation of FDR's "New Deal". More governmental spending to extricate us from this self-induced oblivion. Our President appears to be flailing about as though he were salmon on a stream bank. The burning question we must ask is, "Why did we elect someone whose credentials we did not question?" Does Mr. Obama really have the experience to provide answers to those enumerable concerns facing us currently? Or is he merely engaging in "on the job training" as a means to ply more Democrats with the inebriating affects of power? The efforts of Republicans to thwart the passage of a "stimulus (more pork than substance) package appears to be of the ghostly image type...where appearances are deceiving. Perhaps it is high time Republicans return to the golden age of Republicanism where conservatism was not a "dirty word" bandied about in the Congressional Locker Room.

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