Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Obama, the High Apologist

17 November 2009

A year has come and gone since the coronation of "King Obama"! It is difficult to believe the level of damage he has accomplished in such a short period of time! For example, he has seen fit to remove America's self-pride by bowing and scraping his way around Europe and Asia in the guise of "apologies and recriminations" to our so called "friends". What's more, "El Presbo" or "Obama, the High Lama", if you wish, has further eroded our dignity by giving comfort to the "enemy" in the form of "photo ops" and personal meetings with "dignitaries and heads of state", the ilk of Chavez, Ahmadinejad, etc. Is it not sufficient for our "High Lama" to surrender America's reputation, but its dignity, as well? Where will it end? The answer lies, of course, in the elections of 2012 and making "King Obama" a "one term wonder"! The saga continues....

Saturday, July 4, 2009

A Truly Unique American Day

Today, July 4, 2009, a day that shall live in all (well, some of our hearts)! Yes, this is almost an exclusively American day of Independence. I say almost because there is only one other country in this entire world which celebrates this day as a day of freedom from tyranny and injustice. However, let us not lose sight of our reason for celebration. Of course, I am speaking of a modern reason for celebration...not having to go to a job we hate; not having to struggle with traffic jams on the way to and from the office; not having to face a boss for whom you have little to no respect; and finally, not having to compete with your fellow man for the most recent status symbol. Perhaps, the genuine reason for celebration and remembering our "roots" has been lost to so many Americans during this most recent economic crisis.

Today, I continued my tradition of sitting down to enjoy a movie printed in black and white and starring James Cagney. The title of the film, "Yankee Doodle Dandy" is an American Classic film in which all the elements of patriotism are brought to the fore in this remarkable film. The true story of George Michael Cohan, composer; producer; lyricist; and American Extraordinaire espouses the virtue of strength of character and hard work and never giving in to despair regardless of obstacles. This film never fails to remind me of the reasons this country was so exceptional for so many years. Americans, the ilk of Mr. George M. Cohan, made this country and its people proud to be Americans more so than any fad or following. This film also re-creates that feeling of pride for one's country, but more than that...pride for being a citizen of that country. So this is truly the one day in which we, as Americans, can become jingoistic with respect to those enumerable freedoms and opportunities we, of late, have come to take for granted. I know, it is the faith in those freedoms which create individuals as George M. Cohan, American, and permit them to rise above others in order to shine as one of the fifty white stars on a field of blue. Today, I am proud to be an American, but more importantly, I am proud to be an American on every other day. God Bless America! The saga continues....

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Health Care Revisited: One Man's Solution

Obama, the High Lama has reopened the "national health care issue". His intent is to further bankrupt this nation by spending more than One Trillion American Dollars to "fix" the health care "problem". Of course, as always, his "solution" is to "socialize" medicine and thus put an end to freedom of choice for the doctors we visit and the medicines we consume. As we have witnessed in Canada and England, socialized health care has placed so many barriers and limitations that citizens of those countries do anything they can to see an American Doctor and get American Health care. Why is that? Do they know something we do not? Of course they do! The simple truth is that socialized medicine has never worked and will never work! So, how do we resolve the issues of high cost for health insurance, which is mitigated by high costs of pharmaceuticals and outrageous costs of liability insurance for doctors. Hence, the reason so many doctors are going into fields of research and will no longer practice medicine. We all know the reasons for these exorbitant costs. Pharmaceutical companies must charge very high prices due to the facts research for newer medicines is quite expensive; pharmaceutical companies have become the victims of their own success through rapid growth and unwieldy organizational decisions and many of the tax benefits for research costs have been eliminated by our government. Consequently, the cost of "doing business" is passed right on to the consumer. Adding to this upwardly spiraling cost for health care is the issue of medical practice liability. Legislators do not appear to be interested in "tort reform" because practically every legislator is an attorney. With "tort reform", "nuisance litigation" might cease and/or award limitations that would directly impact the cost of medical liability insurance. Additionally, competition for writing medical malpractice insurance is extremely limited currently. By expanding the number of companies writing malpractice policies widens the course for competition, which again directly impacts the cost of health care. Now for the ultimate answer to America's health care expense. We are intimately aware of "cell phone companies and their multi-faceted "anytime minutes" plans designed for maximum exposure to the consumer while limiting exposure to the cell phone provider. I propose a similar approach to health care costs in terms of doctor and emergency room visits. For example, one plan could provide for five visits to the aforementioned within some specific time period--per month or per quarter. That plan would cost some arbitrary amount. With fewer visits during that same time frame, the plan cost would be reduced significantly. In other words, the more frequently the plan holder visits doctors or emergency rooms, the more the plan would cost. And the beauty of this approach is that "pre-existing" diseases or ailments would not become a factor in writing the policy, as is presently the case with numerous health insurance policies. Too, this would initiate considerable competition within the insurance community to become more creative in the "plans" they offer, thus further reducing policy costs. In all, I believe the American consumer would benefit the greatest with this approach. What do you think? The saga continues....

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Bat the VAT!

There is a movement afoot by Obama, the High Lama and his power hungry henchmen to institute a new tool of torture for the taxpayer. Yes, my friends, I am speaking of that tremendous revenue generator, the Value Added Tax! Once again, Obama, the High Lama has reached into his magic bag of implements and grabbed a truly nefarious weapon to fight capitalism and undermine the very foundation on which this great nation was derived. For a refresher course in basic economics, let us turn to the concept of a Value Added Tax. Believe me, the VAT is not an Obama, the High Lama original idea--I doubt if Obama ever had an original idea regarding economics and capitalism, except to undermine the latter. At any rate, the concept is simple enough. Place a tax on every step in any process whereby there is a true or perceived value added. To illustrate this, let us look at the manufacture of automobiles here in this country. Initially, there is a tax placed on all the raw materials required for the manufacturing process. Next, a tax is placed on the sale of those materials; then tax on the distribution of those materials; tax on transportation of those materials to the automobile manufacturing facility; tax on the finished parts for that automobile; tax on the assembled automobile; tax on the shipment of that automobile; tax on delivery of that finished automobile; tax on the purchase of that finished automobile by the distributor; tax on the sale to the automobile dealer; and finally tax on the sale of that automobile to the end user. Of course, there may be other stages during that entire process where Obama and his henchmen can find a way in which to sink their grubby claws in order to extract more "blood from the turnip"--you, the taxpayer. As you can see, this could be an extremely libidinous act against those of us needing any product or service. And, as a matter of recourse, just whom do you suspect would actually pay the ultimate price for these services and products? Yes, my friends, step right up and win the cupie doll, for the correct answer has always been--YOU! This is the same idea where the democrat believes in the idea of taxing more heavily every corporation or business. The idiotic notion that businesses pay taxes is simply a red herring perpetrated by the democrats on those not quite "quick enough" to realize that businesses merely pass on any form of implemented tax to the consumer by way of higher prices or decreased package contents. WAKE UP AMERICA!! The liberal democrats are all charlitans and magicians when it comes to taking our money and giving us nothing in return. They can find more ways to fleece the taxpayer of his hard earned money! Let us each write, call or signal our "duly elected representatives in Washington DC" and tell them of our great displeasure with the battle outcry of "Bat the VAT!" The saga continues....

Monday, April 20, 2009

The Law of Diminishing Returns

As the title clearly indicates my position and sentiment towards Obama, the High Lama has not wavered. During this most recent presidential election, WE paid for a commodity and it appears we, the educated, caring and patriotic members of our great country are having to raise our collective voices just for all others to get a glimpse of what that commodity truly is. Our purchase came in the form of votes by those ACORN representatives whom dredged up members from the depths of the homeless, felonious, illegal alien, uneducated, non-tax-paying and uncaring to sally sufficient "popularity" to permit Obama, the High Lama a seat among the few truly honorable men to precede him. That Law of Diminishing Returns has reared its ugly head and come home in a most savage manner. For WE, to date, have not received the return on our "purchase" in sufficient measure to warrant "saving" that purchase from the scrap heap! For that "purchase", we have gotten "The Apologist"; The Prevaricator"; "The Instigator"; "The Fabricator"; "The Eliminator"; "The Gallivanter"; "The Decapitator"; and "The Inhibitor". Thus far however, we have yet to see what we truly need..."The American Director". So, we must ask ourselves, "Is our purchase worthy of keeping?" Each in his or her own heart knows the true answer. The saga continues....

Monday, March 23, 2009

Are We There Yet?

Will this "long journey" (endless spending and government bailouts) on which we have embarked ever reach its destination? For all the frenetic activity in and around Washington DC, one would think as "Chicken Little" was wont to do, that "the sky is falling". Personally, I believe the "sky" is merely that sound made by this country's pride, honor and common sense crashing on the ground. Have we forgotten our principles and lost our indomitable spirit that made this country the greatest in the history of man? Have we lost all perspective in dealing with this self-imposed crisis? Yes, we created this monster by abdicating our wishes to those in Washington DC dispatched with the task of "representing" our desires. Have we gotten far too fat and lazy or myopic to perform the simplest acts of citizenship? Have we become the Nero of ancient Rome, fiddling as that once mighty city burns? Perhaps faith in my fellow Americans has been displaced and is in need of severe chiropractic re-adjustment. I say however, this too shall pass, but not without tears from our children or sweat from our brow. For ours appears to be a long perilous journey of Lemmings led by the "Pied Piper" in Washington DC toward the cliff and cold sea below. A part from the mixed metaphors, we each understand how clear this message is. Much like children in the back of the family station wagon on summer vacation, we are asking, "Are we there yet? "We are NOT there yet, but the family station wagon is precariously close to the light at the end of the tunnel...an oncoming train!

Can we do nothing save scream at the television as it brings each succeeding piece of economic news? Nay, I say we "fight them on the beaches" in order to save our homeland! So you ask, What can I do?" I implore each self-respecting American, be it conservative or moderate, to get in the game and write, call or in some other creative fashion, contact his or her "representative" in Washington DC to inform him or her just how angry each of you has become! And further, that you are no longer sitting on the sidelines of this game! Closely examine your voter registration card! The names of your "representatives" will be linked to the Voting District in which you reside. Write, telephone or Email those persons claiming to "represent" you. Have a voice loud and clear to shout the words, " You are mad as hell and you are not going to take it anymore!" This cavalier spending spree must cease immediately.

Compare this nation's financial predicament to your own family's finances. If you find your income decreasing, do you go out and purchase meaningless "trinkets" with your child's credit card? Of course not! The sensible reaction would be to decrease spending and find a way to pay fewer taxes--sales, income, property, etc. Obama, the High Lama, has seen fit to throw logic out with the bathwater and open our wallets and purses to steal our money for his aggrandizement. If this thought doesn't make you angry, nothing will. The saga continues....(for three plus more years)

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Upon Further Review

In a previous blog, I reproached the government for their cavalier attitude toward the "mortgage meltdown". At that time, it was my belief the "government" should force those fraudulent money lenders to restructure failing mortgages to a level of 4% to 5%. However, since that time, I have had a greater opportunity to more closely study and research this mounting problem. As I speak, the number of foreclosures increases. How do we stem this economic bleeding"? My research has led me to understand the need for a fundamental change in the principle balance of these trouble mortgages that are on the brink of failure. Since the real estate market in so many geographic locations has declined, the associated assessed value of those homes has also declined. Certainly then, it is prudent for the lenders to renegotiate that principle balance to better reflect a true market barometer and thus create a more indicative market. The crux of this issue is simply a disparity between desired or perceived and realistic property values. By devaluing property assessments, the true market can once again be reflected and mortgages may also become parallel with those assessments. The problem however, remains that lenders appear to be reticent for a renegotiation of any mortgage contracts without some additional inducements by the "government". And so, Obama has seen fit to offer such "tidbits of cheese" to the rats through recompense fees for these contract re negotiations. In some areas, as much as 2 or 3 thousand dollars fee per mortgage modification has been experienced by those desperate clients. Personally, I think it appalling that mortgage lenders have to be bribed by our government in order to perform the moral actions they have already been paid to accomplish.
Thus, a simple solution to a complex problem has been proffered and it is my understanding perhaps this solution may creep into our desperate economic lives after all.

Upon Further

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Mounting Anger of the Masses

What have we learned from the current administration? Are the masses growing restless? Is Boston tea in the near future for Obama? We can but ask these burning questions only to receive blank stares and puzzled looks from our "friends" in Washington D.C. I, for one, have learned the following: This so called "stimulus" package has more pork and earmarks than a trainload of pigs bound for Georgia. Obama's brand of socialism is not what made this country the "king of industrial might". There are far too many "good" people left in this fight to allow Obama's thugs to "run us out of Dodge". I fear that soon there may come enough mounting anger that causes a dramatic shift in the manner in which we, as Americans, live our lives. Where do we go from here? That is the burning question of the moment. The saga continues....

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Half Truth Is More Palatable

Now that so many families have been shaken to their very core regarding foreclosure of their primary domicile, perhaps it is time to divulge the truth concerning this very issue. A great number of people have indicated to this writer how families have written or called their Congressman/woman or Senator with the growing concern over imminent or potential foreclosure. The general responses from these persons indicated that contact of the families' mortgage company or bank should be their initial act. During my research of this problem, I discovered what the government is not telling the public. Firstly, the government cannot or will not overstep the mortgage company or bank with respect to the terms of the mortgage and its modification. Secondly according to my research, if the owner or investor of the loan does not wish to modify the terms of the mortgage there is nothing to be done by the government regarding that mortgage modification request. Often mortgages are "serviced" by a company other than the mortgage company or bank as a result of the mortgage servicing being "sold". This "service company" does not actually own the loan, they are merely collecting fees and funds of the mortgage and forwarding the loan amount minus fees to the bank, owner or investor. Mortgage service contracts are frequently sold to "servicing companies" for a plethora of reasons. These "servicing companies" can realize enormous profits as a result of attached fees and charges. Therefore, it is not in the interest of each mortgage servicing company to eagerly want a modification of the loan. Additionally, mortgages are frequently sold and may be purchased by investors whose names can remain anonymous. That being said, it could be extremely difficult, if not impossible, to obtain specific information in order to contact the new mortgage owner for a possibility of loan modification. Again, the government is not obliged to step in to mandate the release of this invaluable information to the mortgagee. Of course, our government is touting quite the opposite in its "new approach to solving the home buying and foreclosure crisis". Just what are we, the taxpayer, receiving for our Four Hundred Billion Dollars infusion to the mortgage industry? It does give one pause!

What conclusions are we to draw from these little known facts? Firstly, this new administration truly does not have an interest in resolving the "housing crisis". A simple Executive Order requiring those mortgage companies receiving "bailout funds" to modify requested mortgage loans to between 4% and 5% interest might easily resolve that problem. This could potentially save hundreds of thousands of existing or pending foreclosures and those families effected by this process. After all, misery of losing employment compounded by a foreclosure is almost more than a family can bear. Secondly, mortgage companies selling loans to investors or loan servicing to other companies should be required to reveal information regarding that sale. Once again, our government has thoughtfully seen to it this small procedural oversight has been permitted to remain secreted away from public scrutiny.

What is the answer to this mounting question of foreclosure and/or mortgage modification? Perhaps, the answer lies in the hands of your "legislative representative". Do we need another "Boston Tea Party" in order for representation of the people to once again become a reality? Does the cry of "Throw the bums out" reverberate through the halls of our homes and workplaces? This may be closer than each of us knows. The saga continues....

Monday, February 23, 2009

Artificial Price Markets

One of the numerous accomplishments of Obama's "cartoon characters" is to have lain the ground work for the creation of an artificial price market. In essence, a potential government owned mortgage company/bank Vi's a Vi's Citi Group opens the door for the government to own as much as 40% of that company. Once that has been completed, the "majority stockholder" (government) then has the power to put into place a "puppet" of the current thinking. By doing so, this effectively stifles competition from other banks due to having a socialist agenda directed management. In this case, the majority stockholder demands specific downward or upward changes in pricing direction. Of course, other banks or mortgage companies may attempt to keep track, but will fall by the wayside and voila competition soon ceases to exist. In effect, a monopoly rises from the ashes of fallen competition and everyone is painfully aware of the ramifications of that monopoly. A case in point is the railroad tycoon, George Stevens of the nineteenth century. Considered the father of American railroads, he amassed considerable wealth building and controlling the first railroad system (a monopoly). This could be potentially the same for our current form of mortgage banking institutions. As more banks fail, competition in that market dwindles and so does the ability to create price competition, the tool which permits ideas and technology to flourish.

Another form of price control is the process by which the government subsidizes our dairy industry in order to maintain specific consumer price levels. As a dairy farmer has the ability to produce in excess of marketable goods, the government, through dairy subsidies, pays that same farmer to produce fewer marketable goods. Thus, the market price of a dairy commodity is kept at a specific level. If market conditions worsen and the farmer is not able to produce a previously expected level, the government subsidy acts as a financial cushion and the farmer's profit margin is somewhat maintained. However, market price fluctuates only slightly upward due to an artificial control mechanism being placed on the market. There are enumerable instances of product pricing being controlled in this same manner.

While there remains a suitable quantity of competition in any field, that competition is limited in those areas by the artificial means of controlling it--the government's price subsidy. And once again, the consumer is at the mercy of those artificially induced pricing schemes. The saga continues....

Friday, February 20, 2009

Laws of Supply and Demand

In a never ending attempt to both amuse and educate, today's saga will center on Obama's (aka Mr. Gloom) Wall Street reflection. His most recent foray into the world of "savior economics" (save those dead beat mortgagees) the new plan calls for mortgage servicing companies to be compensated at the rate of $1000.00 per modified mortgage with additional compensation for three years, providing the mortgagee pays the mortgage in a timely fashion. Ask yourself, "What does this do for the mortgagee and what does this do for the mortgage servicing company?" Let us say, for discussion's sake, the mortgage servicing company has 1000 mortgages to modify. The mathematics is relatively simple and we can then see just whom is truly benefiting from Obama's new plan. Further, we see the mortgage servicing companies then have no incentive to report any late payments on the part of the mortgagees. After all, they would not wish to be deprived of that additional three year incentive. So, in essence, Obama has done nothing more than shift the primary problem from mortgage lending institutes to mortgage servicing companies. The "dead beat mortgagees" continue to ride the "coat-tails" of the honest, hardworking individuals in an effort for Obama's "team" to look proudly at their record for home ownership, regardless of ability to pay. Incidentally, the initial Obama "package" called for an input of $75 Billion however, since the "economic stimulus/pork bill" was signed, that amount designated for mortgage assistance has magically blossomed to almost $400 Billion. The evidence can be reviewed on the Internet in a number of places (www.mortgageloan.com; www.heritage.com ).

Now, let us turn to the day's basic economics. An attempt to amuse you during this dry topic should make the journey more palatable. The individual laws of "supply" and "demand" are fundamental concepts toward understanding basic economics. Simply stated, the law of "demand" indicates that as the price of a service (dry cleaning service--what, do we not own washing machines any more?) or good (ice cream cone--with ice cream in a dish, you needn't worry about dripping) increases in price, the less demand there is for that service or good. Economists would state this in such a fashion, "The demand curve is inversely proportional to the price curve." Intuitively, we can then realize the law of "supply" is directly related to "demand". As demand decreases (the high price of ice cream cones), the supply of those same cones increases (just as the fabled "Tribbles" of Star Trek, these ice cream cones keep multiplying in my warehouse). Therefore, economists with their pocket protectors and taped glasses would merely say, "The supply curve is inversely proportional to the demand curve". All of this is true providing all other factors are equal. Of course, there is always the caveat (beware the curve ball). The basic laws in this economic game always remain constant. However, creation of an artificial barrier by some external entity (the government interferes again) raises havoc on these laws. The saga continues....

Monday, February 16, 2009

Obama's Corporate Reorganization Assistance Program(C.R.A.P.)

Now that Obama's Governmental Expansion Program is solidly underway, the economic outlook will certainly improve. Speculators in the form of Wall Street investors have been drawn to the "feast" as a moth to flame. Now, let us reflect! The Dow Jones Average has declined more than 2000 points since Obama was "anointed" and the mere fact Monday was a national holiday, President's Day, saved it further decline. Further, Jobs lost thus far number in the thousands and we are that much closer to Obama's socialistic view of America, where "Big Government" knows all; sees all; controls all! The Socialist Liberal crowd must be drooling at the accomplishments to date of its "fearless leader".

In my view, Obama needs a lesson in simple economics. Firstly, a bailout package for the automobile industry is a moot point due to the basic concept its management staff have systematically "raped" the stockholders while feathering their own financial "nests" through manipulation of facts and innuendos and perhaps a prevarication or two. Secondly, the business model originally derived from the ingenuity of pioneers, Henry Ford and enumerable others has been systematically diluted as a result of placation of union demands. Unless the automobile companies replace their current management and business model, all that "bailout" money will do nothing more than continue to stoke the fires of "greed" and send those bastions of industry knocking on the door of Congress for yet another "handout". Of course, we, the taxpayer, will be reaping the "benefits" of such congressional magnanimity for generations to come. Your sons and daughters and their sons and daughters will be pursuing a life of labor with no end in sight to pay for the ignominious deeds perpetrated on the "people". Obama and other socialists have effectively created a forced labor camp to which every American has been sent.

In order to understand motives of this socialist administration, we must review a brief history of economic theory. During the last century, a British Economist, John M. Keynes defined his view of successful economic functionality as that stemming from the "public sector" or government, whereby all actions by the public sector were geared toward the stabilization of the business cycle. This stabilization included monetary policy, fiscal policy and central bank decisions in order to create a centralized command structure as a result of the lack of confidence in a free market scenario. Keynes believed "private sector" or free enterprise participants lacked the necessary tools and judgment to make sound economic decisions and that a central organization was the sole entity to formulate and implement these plans. In current vernacular, "the government will care for you from womb to tomb."

At present, supporters of the Keynesian economic approach have infiltrated key positions of the American government in order to subdue free market economics and subjugate its supporters. This parallels Germany of the early 1930's, in that the free market system could not respond quickly enough during the world economic crisis and the masses were disheartened on the whole. Initially, a small group planted the seeds of discontent and inexorably the flower of capitalism began to whither and die.

The lesson in economics today is the concept that free enterprise systems create jobs through the continued flow of financial instruments with consumer confidence to speculate in that system. As long as "Big Brother" the government continues to expend your money, the further this economy strays toward the precipice of depression. Case in point, The "Great Depression" of 1929 was extended almost a decade through the moribund economic philosophy of FDR, another staunch socialist leaning Democrat. FDR's approach was merely to spend the government's way out of the depression, much like that philosophy utilized by the current administration. The only event to artificially create jobs was the bombing of Pearl Harbor and implementation of the draft. Perhaps it is the wish of this administration that a second "bombing" occur to yank us out of this "depression". The saga continues....

Thursday, February 12, 2009

All King Obama's Fairy Tale Characters

While "Humpty Dumpty" (free enterprise) is teetering from his precarious position atop the "wall"(U.S. Constitution), the "Cheshire Cat" (Nancy Pelosi) continues her evil grin at the Republican Party. The inability of legislative conservatives to mount a defense of any worth against the onslaught of "our King's" plan (complete socialism in this lifetime), parallels Nikita Kruschev's endearing speech, "We will bury you from within". In the mean time, his knights (the King's cabinet members), as so many Monty Python-like warriors, flail and flounder amidst their own inadequacies (failure to pay taxes, forget to file proper immigration papers for domestic help). During all of this, the "Mad Hatter" (Al Gore) persists with his animated global warming diatribe in defiance of all logic and science fact. At the end of this tale, are the king's down trodden subjects fleeing the axe weilded by the henchman from the Queen of Hearts--"Off with their heads"(Harry Reid) while attempting to derive any sense of chaos and merely survive. Where do you suppose our "king" was able to uncover enough rocks to find this many fairy tale characters? The "king's" political soap opera continues....

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Economics, YTT

Precepts of basic economics are simple and few. According to the observations of "Simple Simon" from the Washington Times, February 2, 2009 our current recession, as well as numerous recessions from the past, stem from the "short selling" of stocks. For those neophytes of economics, the term "short selling" refers to the practice of an individual selling a financial instrument that individual does not own at the time of the sale, but with the intention of purchasing that same financial instrument at a lower price. In essence, the financial instrument is "borrowed" or "rented" (the term used most prominently in the financial world) with a promise to the lender of repayment in kind. However, if that same financial instrument's price decreases, the original seller makes a profit on the difference between the "original selling price" and the price paid at the time of repurchase. Conversely, if the price of that same financial instrument increases, the original seller has a loss and then must make up that difference to the lender. As you can see, "short selling" or "shorting" is an extremely risky venture. According to many economic experts, the rescinding of the Securities and Exchange Commission in 2007 of the original 1934 "uptick rule" which prevented short selling, is a primary causation of our current economic crisis. Numerous Republican Presidents have supported and enforced the "uptick rule" in order to sustain economic stability and growth. President Bush "43" was the most recent to uphold that same principle of 1934. In contrast, Democratic presidents have seen fit to rescind the "uptick rule", causing instability and added chaos in the financial markets.
Further, creation of the Community Reinvestment Act of 1994, during President Clinton's presidency is thought to be a major contributor of the current housing crisis, in that it forced banks to lend money in the form of mortgages to those whom did not have the financial capacity to support their mortgage loan. On the whole, it appears recent history has demonstrated the Democrat controlled Congress, since 2006, has performed brilliantly to foster more mortgages to all, while permitting lending institutions free reign without proper supervision. Now, the financial crisis burdens every taxpayer's future through potential tax increases currently being proposed by Mr. Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid. What will be next? This saga shall continue...for a very long time!
And for the record, your medical records will not be the only aspect controlled by the government. Take a walk down the more than sixteen hundred pages of the proposed "stimulus package". America, are you becoming more livid with each additional piece of bad news and the manner in which we are being treated by our own government? Stay tuned!

"The Emperor Has No Clothes"

During Obama's presidential campaign and three weeks into his presidency, the "leader of the free world" has merely loaned the people of America his ability to wax eloquently. Thus far, we have borne witness to his inability to select members of his cabinet worthy of the title, Secretary of .... We have listened to his empty promises of "change" and we are being subjected to a continuation of FDR's "New Deal". More governmental spending to extricate us from this self-induced oblivion. Our President appears to be flailing about as though he were salmon on a stream bank. The burning question we must ask is, "Why did we elect someone whose credentials we did not question?" Does Mr. Obama really have the experience to provide answers to those enumerable concerns facing us currently? Or is he merely engaging in "on the job training" as a means to ply more Democrats with the inebriating affects of power? The efforts of Republicans to thwart the passage of a "stimulus (more pork than substance) package appears to be of the ghostly image type...where appearances are deceiving. Perhaps it is high time Republicans return to the golden age of Republicanism where conservatism was not a "dirty word" bandied about in the Congressional Locker Room.