Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Clash of the Political Titans

So, the "fiscal cliff" was pushed further into the future! What does that say for our illustrious "Prevaricator In Chief" and his unwillingness to barter with our Congress? While he continues his tirade against all Republicans and conservatives in general, the "masses" sit idly by to suffer the "slings and arrows " of his ineptitude and arrogance. However, I feel a day of reckoning is nigh. All Republicans and Democrat moderates in the  House of Representatives will finally "grow a pair" and find the will to answer the call of duty and NOT raise the "debt ceiling". This remains a battle of wills between the "High Lama" and Congress to determine who blinks first. With "His Arrogance", this merely is an extension of maniacal narcissism as he argues before the world stage his distorted desires for destruction of this beloved ountry and the Republican Party, while cloaked in his version of "innocent conduct".
As Obama spews forth his "non truths" from the comfort of his teleprompter, free thinking Americans scoff at his self-importance, because they are cognizant of the struggles, both now and in the future, for this great country. However, that does not mean we, as free thinking Americans, should not bring the allegorical fight to every corner of America in the name of freedom and conservatism. It is time to stand and be counted in this time of trouble. Raise your pens, keyboards and telephones to shout your concerns to anll who will listen in Congress! Join the fray to save our country from complete destruction! As always, your thoughts are welcome and appreciated....

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Surviving Obama's Regime by a "Simple Citizen"

With the advent of yet another four years of interminable economic suffering by each member of this society, we must ask ourselves the "burning question" of the moment. How are we to survive four more years of Obama's magnanimity? It seems he has seen fit to "provide" creature comforts as in: cell phones; extended unemployment benefits to the tune of several years; blossoming ranks of those feeding at the EBT trough; and fewer jobs from which to garner sufficient equity to purchase your own cell phone or gasoline for the indentured vehicle you are paying some scheming bank. Perhaps, one of the many ways in which we, as a nation and civilized society, can find solace is in a tried and true method of payment is the gentle art of "barter". During the "War for Independence", circa 1776, the citizenry resorted to bartering for those goods and services needed for survival in those lean economic years. We, as a nation, should consider resurrecting that ancient tradition. With modern technology, we have a distinct advantage from our forefathers in that, communication and advertisement is immediate. As a result, locating a "buyer" and "seller" of goods and services has become almost an enjoyment. Of course, the IRS, or as I affectionately refer to them as "Ira, Rick and Sam", will have their collective fit over this reprise, because it, in essence, deprives our "beloved government" of its perceived due. And Heaven forbid that we simple citizenry deprive the government any revenue in which it can be spent on those sorely needed goods and services, such as: a bridge to nowhere, a program to determine the efficacy of condom usage in some African country; and a study of the migration patterns of the American Bison. Although, these are indeed worthy of investigation, I do not believe we, as a suffering people, would authorize Congress to devote our taxes to such causes. As an alternative, private organizations might undertake these endeavors, certainly more efficiently and with more zeal than any government agency. After all, the ineptitude of our government and its "millions" of overlapping agencies is widely known. 

So, as we collectively and glumly attempt to survive until November, 2016, let us hearken back to those days of even worse economics and strongly consider reviving the "Barter System" as one means of survival by the "Simple Citizen". Your comments are welcome and appreciated....

Monday, January 18, 2010

Politicization of Castrophy

Never in all my years on this planet have I witnessed the utter politicization of the Haiti earthquake disaster by our "elected chief apologist", Obama, the High Lama! Not only has this individual demonstrated his disregard for America's financial downward spiral, but he has seen fit to "volunteer" more than 100 Million U.S. Dollars to Haiti's relief efforts, while Communist China has "graciously" opened its national wallet to the tune of 4.4 Million Dollars. Either China is a spendthrift or America is preposterously generous. Perhaps we, as Americans, are generous to a fault, or we open our hearts and wallets as a voluntary act to those in need. I do not believe King Obama considered our interests at all when he "bequeathed" so large a sum. Perhaps, he could have proffered a smaller amount, only to be followed by another gesture of equal or greater measure when the need arose. To usurp primary role of our military by utilizing several units as nothing more than highly efficient "meals on wheels" facilitators is a blatant misuse of resources and reduction of our collective pride to new lower levels. The heights of arrogance to which this "man-child" has reached is beyond description or comprehension. We, as individuals, have already surpassed the 150 Million U. S. Dollars amount in private donations to the Haiti relief effort. Once again, we have demonstrated our immense capacity to give to the downtrodden and raise them to a station greater than previously attained. Before too many weeks have passed, Haiti will have reconstructed seaports, airport terminals and beach resorts, the likes of which have not been viewed before. Is my cynicism showing? If Obama had let America open its coffers privately, the sums of money would have equalled all other nations combined and he would not have "volunteered" our tax money too. But, the need for self-aggrandizement through such a grandiose gesture is far greater than his ability for objective self-restraint. I ask you. Is this shining example of America's elected leader? The saga continues....

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Obama, the High Apologist

17 November 2009

A year has come and gone since the coronation of "King Obama"! It is difficult to believe the level of damage he has accomplished in such a short period of time! For example, he has seen fit to remove America's self-pride by bowing and scraping his way around Europe and Asia in the guise of "apologies and recriminations" to our so called "friends". What's more, "El Presbo" or "Obama, the High Lama", if you wish, has further eroded our dignity by giving comfort to the "enemy" in the form of "photo ops" and personal meetings with "dignitaries and heads of state", the ilk of Chavez, Ahmadinejad, etc. Is it not sufficient for our "High Lama" to surrender America's reputation, but its dignity, as well? Where will it end? The answer lies, of course, in the elections of 2012 and making "King Obama" a "one term wonder"! The saga continues....

Saturday, July 4, 2009

A Truly Unique American Day

Today, July 4, 2009, a day that shall live in all (well, some of our hearts)! Yes, this is almost an exclusively American day of Independence. I say almost because there is only one other country in this entire world which celebrates this day as a day of freedom from tyranny and injustice. However, let us not lose sight of our reason for celebration. Of course, I am speaking of a modern reason for celebration...not having to go to a job we hate; not having to struggle with traffic jams on the way to and from the office; not having to face a boss for whom you have little to no respect; and finally, not having to compete with your fellow man for the most recent status symbol. Perhaps, the genuine reason for celebration and remembering our "roots" has been lost to so many Americans during this most recent economic crisis.

Today, I continued my tradition of sitting down to enjoy a movie printed in black and white and starring James Cagney. The title of the film, "Yankee Doodle Dandy" is an American Classic film in which all the elements of patriotism are brought to the fore in this remarkable film. The true story of George Michael Cohan, composer; producer; lyricist; and American Extraordinaire espouses the virtue of strength of character and hard work and never giving in to despair regardless of obstacles. This film never fails to remind me of the reasons this country was so exceptional for so many years. Americans, the ilk of Mr. George M. Cohan, made this country and its people proud to be Americans more so than any fad or following. This film also re-creates that feeling of pride for one's country, but more than that...pride for being a citizen of that country. So this is truly the one day in which we, as Americans, can become jingoistic with respect to those enumerable freedoms and opportunities we, of late, have come to take for granted. I know, it is the faith in those freedoms which create individuals as George M. Cohan, American, and permit them to rise above others in order to shine as one of the fifty white stars on a field of blue. Today, I am proud to be an American, but more importantly, I am proud to be an American on every other day. God Bless America! The saga continues....

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Health Care Revisited: One Man's Solution

Obama, the High Lama has reopened the "national health care issue". His intent is to further bankrupt this nation by spending more than One Trillion American Dollars to "fix" the health care "problem". Of course, as always, his "solution" is to "socialize" medicine and thus put an end to freedom of choice for the doctors we visit and the medicines we consume. As we have witnessed in Canada and England, socialized health care has placed so many barriers and limitations that citizens of those countries do anything they can to see an American Doctor and get American Health care. Why is that? Do they know something we do not? Of course they do! The simple truth is that socialized medicine has never worked and will never work! So, how do we resolve the issues of high cost for health insurance, which is mitigated by high costs of pharmaceuticals and outrageous costs of liability insurance for doctors. Hence, the reason so many doctors are going into fields of research and will no longer practice medicine. We all know the reasons for these exorbitant costs. Pharmaceutical companies must charge very high prices due to the facts research for newer medicines is quite expensive; pharmaceutical companies have become the victims of their own success through rapid growth and unwieldy organizational decisions and many of the tax benefits for research costs have been eliminated by our government. Consequently, the cost of "doing business" is passed right on to the consumer. Adding to this upwardly spiraling cost for health care is the issue of medical practice liability. Legislators do not appear to be interested in "tort reform" because practically every legislator is an attorney. With "tort reform", "nuisance litigation" might cease and/or award limitations that would directly impact the cost of medical liability insurance. Additionally, competition for writing medical malpractice insurance is extremely limited currently. By expanding the number of companies writing malpractice policies widens the course for competition, which again directly impacts the cost of health care. Now for the ultimate answer to America's health care expense. We are intimately aware of "cell phone companies and their multi-faceted "anytime minutes" plans designed for maximum exposure to the consumer while limiting exposure to the cell phone provider. I propose a similar approach to health care costs in terms of doctor and emergency room visits. For example, one plan could provide for five visits to the aforementioned within some specific time period--per month or per quarter. That plan would cost some arbitrary amount. With fewer visits during that same time frame, the plan cost would be reduced significantly. In other words, the more frequently the plan holder visits doctors or emergency rooms, the more the plan would cost. And the beauty of this approach is that "pre-existing" diseases or ailments would not become a factor in writing the policy, as is presently the case with numerous health insurance policies. Too, this would initiate considerable competition within the insurance community to become more creative in the "plans" they offer, thus further reducing policy costs. In all, I believe the American consumer would benefit the greatest with this approach. What do you think? The saga continues....

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Bat the VAT!

There is a movement afoot by Obama, the High Lama and his power hungry henchmen to institute a new tool of torture for the taxpayer. Yes, my friends, I am speaking of that tremendous revenue generator, the Value Added Tax! Once again, Obama, the High Lama has reached into his magic bag of implements and grabbed a truly nefarious weapon to fight capitalism and undermine the very foundation on which this great nation was derived. For a refresher course in basic economics, let us turn to the concept of a Value Added Tax. Believe me, the VAT is not an Obama, the High Lama original idea--I doubt if Obama ever had an original idea regarding economics and capitalism, except to undermine the latter. At any rate, the concept is simple enough. Place a tax on every step in any process whereby there is a true or perceived value added. To illustrate this, let us look at the manufacture of automobiles here in this country. Initially, there is a tax placed on all the raw materials required for the manufacturing process. Next, a tax is placed on the sale of those materials; then tax on the distribution of those materials; tax on transportation of those materials to the automobile manufacturing facility; tax on the finished parts for that automobile; tax on the assembled automobile; tax on the shipment of that automobile; tax on delivery of that finished automobile; tax on the purchase of that finished automobile by the distributor; tax on the sale to the automobile dealer; and finally tax on the sale of that automobile to the end user. Of course, there may be other stages during that entire process where Obama and his henchmen can find a way in which to sink their grubby claws in order to extract more "blood from the turnip"--you, the taxpayer. As you can see, this could be an extremely libidinous act against those of us needing any product or service. And, as a matter of recourse, just whom do you suspect would actually pay the ultimate price for these services and products? Yes, my friends, step right up and win the cupie doll, for the correct answer has always been--YOU! This is the same idea where the democrat believes in the idea of taxing more heavily every corporation or business. The idiotic notion that businesses pay taxes is simply a red herring perpetrated by the democrats on those not quite "quick enough" to realize that businesses merely pass on any form of implemented tax to the consumer by way of higher prices or decreased package contents. WAKE UP AMERICA!! The liberal democrats are all charlitans and magicians when it comes to taking our money and giving us nothing in return. They can find more ways to fleece the taxpayer of his hard earned money! Let us each write, call or signal our "duly elected representatives in Washington DC" and tell them of our great displeasure with the battle outcry of "Bat the VAT!" The saga continues....